Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The dream of our fathers lives on! African Unity remains on the agenda in most African Leaders forum. The question is not why we should unite but How!

The meeting that started EMA-African Chapter

Who knows, may be the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (EMMC) funded by the generosity of the European Commission, will provide the modality for Africa's unity.
The idea of establishing a Chapter of African students on the diverse Erasmus Mundus programme was uninanimous in Perugia-Italy, in June 2008 among those of us who participated in the EMA-General Assembly. Namely, Karen Basiye of Kenya, Eric Kwasi Boamah of Ghana, Tsigereda F. W. of Ethiopia, Kaseem Tunde of Nigeria, Soura of Ivory Coast (now Cote D'voire), Michael Baba of Nigeria, Anthony of Ethiopia and James Nyomakwa-Obimpeh of Ghana.

Coming from different part of the continent and persuing different EMMC did not prevent us from identifying ourselves as Africans with some common identity. The beauty of our sense of togetherness was awesome.
We immediately planned to set up the EMA-African Chapter, by sharing some initial responsibilties among ourselves regarding the mission, vision, objectives, consitution, programmes, modalities of seting up a chapter among others.
Hardwork pays! It was with much enthusiam that the EMA-African Chapter was officially lunched in Brussels during an Africa-EU Conference on Higher Eduction from the 4th to 5th December 2008.

The Chapter had participated in the conference as a stakeholder in African and EU higher education and most so as a beneficiaries of the EU's Erasmus Scholarship, a kind of which the African Union has started under the Nyerere Scholarship Programme.

During the conference we made a presentation of African students experiences in studying in Europe, pinpointing some differences in the two educational systems and what in our opinion needs to improve both in European and African higher education systems. Over all, it was a good starting point for us as a young association.
Working accross continents and it natural challenges is a major constraints now for us as a Working Committe, but we are not relenting our efforts to put in place a strong EMA-Africa for posterity to benefit.
Congratulations to all my colleagues.

written by:
James Nyomakwa-Obimpeh

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