Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The 3rd EMA General Assembly in Lithuania, Vilnius

The third consecutive annual General Assembly of the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA) took place in Vilnius, Lithuania from the 5-6th June 2009.

African students unprecedentely were represented to a total number of 2o students as EMMC Representatives, Chapter Representative or as Observers. It was a great feeling. A number of things made this year's GA speacial for African students.

The African students, who has come in greater number, had the opportunity to meet and discuss the way forward for the one year old African Chapter (EMA-AC). There was a concensus to move on with the chapter and get as many students and alumni as possible involved. We assigned preliminary function to Qasim B. to report back to all of us on the continuous role of the current working committee for us to know how to get others on board.

During the GA, Qasim who was delegated by Karen B. to represent the EMA-AC gave a very report of the chapter for the past year and the plans ahead. Picture below

Another thing that made this year's GA speacial for African students is me:) To my utmost surprise, I went to the venue to see my potrait on the main GA giant board in my usual smilly face showing my 16 teeth. See picture above. It was a great feeling for me.

Then came elections in the GA of Vice President and Team Coordinators. It was great listening to Adedeji Ogunlaja presenting his manifesto to the delegates seeking their mandate to become the EMA Vice President. Although he did not win, he manage to get 17 votes beating the last contestant. On the other hand Stephanie from South Africa won to become the Jobs teams Coordinator. So, Africa is rightly represented in the incoming Steering Committee of the EMA for the next two years.

1 comment:

  1. James, I am also glad to see your picture with your usual smile...16 teeth :).
    I also think this GA meeting in Vilnuis made a good progress for our chapter in a way introducing it to more African EMMC fellows and increasing, which eventually made the meeting in Addis colorful. Thumbs up for these articles James...let us read more
